Monday 6 January 2014

25th December

Today was Christmas day! It was such a busy day but, Jack, you were so happy with all the busyness! Jack sat and open presents and was so spoiled! You got a big red bus and lovely outdoor swing! Plus a life jacket to wear to fiji! And lots of knick knacks. You played with the paper which was fun too! At dinner you jumped in your jolly jumper which just made everyone think you were super good and cute. The only issue we had today was that your leg kept getting stuck in the opening of your sleeping came right out and woke you up! Luckily francine sewed it up for you and no more problems :) you took a bottle a lot today which was great cos you be nosy and eat at the same time!

Monday 28 October 2013

23 oct

Coffee group today with the antenatal girls. They're so nice, I really like all of them. Jack is the only boy so I told him he needed to be on his best behavior! He really loves to be propped up on the couch to look around, the girls all thought this was very funny...he does look like an old man! But it's very cute. Apparently you're not really supposed to do this, but he loves it and hates lying down in my arms. No sleeping but he chilled out in his pram for a while after some afternoon tea, so was pretty good. 
Gangster jack and his girls

20 October

A brilliant weekend over in waiheke with ray as Maree was on a work conference. Jack could not stop looking at all the people on the boat..I don't think he had ever seen so many people all together before! So he was very good but perhaps not so polite staring at everyone. 
We hung out with Jul and new baby cousin, Herbie, and Jude which was fun, and also some time with Cousin Immy as well. 

Labour weekend 23 oct - 25 oct

JackWe had a lovely long weekend! And extra spoilt cos den took Friday off so we headed over to waiheke for a quiet weekend. Ray and Maree were on holiday so we had the house to ourselves! Jack had some good sleeps in the middle of the bed and in the borrowed portacot too. We did a decent mish down to the beach and me and jack hung out in his lil sun tent while den went for a swim. We had a look at the sea and a very quick paddle (foot dunk??) in the water. Suitably impressed I think?
A very quiet weekend which was awesome. Jack did some proper laughing too, which was pretty cute...while I sung "one day a taniwha" when he was propped up on my legs. Apparently this is very funny. He is also loving "Alice the camel" and "little peter rabbit".
Jacks first selfie!!

Monday 30 September 2013

30 sept 2013

A quiet home day today. Jack is making more and more little noises. He is finding his hands so much more now and is sticking them in his mouth a bit more. Today was a bit exciting coa jack moved into his cot! He was almost too long for his bassinet so this gives much more stretch room. He went down for his morning nap and was great. Looks so small tho!
Today we also were able to lift our head when I pulled his hands which is pretty good for such a big head!

27 sept 2013

Oma and Opa came to visit today which was really nice. They timed it pretty good as we had time to have a cup of coffee before monkey woke up. Jack had lots and lots of cuddles and he showed them how he smiles and coos. Mum and dad stayed the night so we got an awesome roast too ;P

8 Sept 2013

Jack had his  first roadtrip this weekend! Down to h'town to see Oma and Opa et al. Dad and den went to watch the abs win against the pumas at a very wet game. Jack was so well behaved...the car ride was long as we were moving which would normally be fine but of course there was a crash (not a bad one!) at huntly. So a bit grizzly ;) insisted on having a giant feed from lunch til evening but that was ok. Lots of smiles for oma, opa and aunty jane. Aunty jen made a gorgeous orangutan...a monkey for monkey! On sunday jack slept long enough for mum to shovel an egg or 2 in...impeccable timing jack always as I sit down to eat! Bit late though as Americas cup races had taken precedence! Jack met dan and francine, jude and aunty betty. So many cuddles and oma and opa had lots of chats. Jack is really looking at people and is loving new faces too. Was really interested in Jude! Loves to have a chat as well. Oma and Opa really besotted its so lovely to see.